Welcome to Dream Riders, where every pedal stroke fuels a child’s dream. The Dream Riders are dedicated cyclists who commit themselves to riding the Virgin Active 947 Ride Joburg 2023 to raise funds for Reach For A Dream, and the brave children we serve.

Why join Dream Riders?

  • Turn Your Miles into Smiles: Thanks to the support of Old Mutual Insure, every rand raised – including your R1 800 charity fee – goes towards making dreams come true.
  • Experience Camaraderie: Be part of a community of like-minded cyclists who share your passion for riding and giving back.
  • Challenge Yourself: Push your boundaries and get those endorphins flowing. By pedaling for a purpose, you’ll push harder and further than ever before!

As a Dream Rider, you will receive complimentary benefits:

Ready to ride? Sign up before registration closes on 5 November and join the Dream Riders team! Experience the thrill of the race, the camaraderie of fellow cyclists, and the profound joy of making dreams come true.


Step 1: Register for the Virgin Active 947 Ride Joburg HERE and use the following Reach For A Dream charity code:

Cost: R665

Cost: R455

Step 2: Sign up to become a Dream Rider and pay your R1 800 charity fee (this excludes 947 Ride Joburg entry fee).
Step 3: Gear up your fundraising efforts to make even more dreams come true. Simply create your own campaign on GivenGain.

Ride With Our Dream Riders’ Ambassador and Cancer Warrior, Joshua Sole

Joshua Sole, a cancer warrior, is leading the charge against life-threatening childhood illnesses in an extraordinary way. This 14-year-old dreamer is set to inspire hope as he pedals for our charity team, the Dream Riders. 
Despite his intense battle with cancer, Josh’s passion for cycling and his dream Titan bike from Reach For A Dream continues to drive him forward in his recovery journey. By riding the gruelling Ride Joburg, he aims to motivate other children battling life-threatening illnesses, proving that they too can recover, get stronger, and pursue their dreams. 
Join our Dream Riders team and ride alongside Josh. By participating, you’ll not only be supporting Josh but also thousands of kids battling severe health conditions. Read Josh’s full story here

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Stay tuned to our socials to get live #DreamRiders updates and share your journey with us!
#DreamRiders #ReachForADream #ImRidingJoburgForReachForADream
